Dec 2, 2008

Divine Intervention.

what an expression.but to hope for divine intervention when you are doing nothing to grab any opportunity in front of your eyes..i would say is tragical.i am listening to all those hues about the rumors that we might have to survive on our own..that whatever happen will be determine by us..i dont know.i dont feel anything..
like always i prefer to be calm about it until further notice.there's no use lamenting about unfair life..
many of friends have their own version about the info..i dont know which one to believe..i dont want to believe anything that i didnt hear personally.
selalunya bila kita terlalu banyak anggapan yang tidak-tidak,we start to hear and believe unreasonable things..
m mantra..keep ur cool..keep ur cool..keep an open mind about everything..take a deep breath..
hmm..better feeling!

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