Feb 18, 2010


the last time i was sick was last year's hari raya.i had fever and flu.

im usually a very fit person.i seldom have flu or fever-just mild headache but nothing as disturbing as flu and fever. So here am i.Flu and fever.
I thought the weather was lovely, but probably wind is not my element.so, i catched the flu.Plus,it has been hot these lately.So despite my saying that everything is just nice, i fell sick.

but over all im doing just fine.it is just the flu that disturbed me a little. it somewhat distracted the balance of the body.so i feel a little overwhelmed by that.Just the same thing experienced by people who suffered from flu.nothing fancy.

but what to complaint?
orang kata, kesakitan tu adalah cara membasuh dosa-dosa yang telah kita lakukan.
Jika ini diturunkan sebagai ujian untuk membasuh dosa-dosa yang telah dilakukan dan sebagai peringatan, redha sajalah. Insya Allah, dengan izin tuhan..

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