Jul 23, 2014

Another solemn moment

A Malaysia Airliner had been shot down in the north Russian-Ukraine Border. At first it was just a news. Never knew that it would be a tragedy that would robbed you of someone close. A friend heading back to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam was on board, with his baby boy.  How fragile life is. How temporary. How unexpected.

"Everyone shall taste death" that is a promise.

It was just beyond description. the sadness. The outpouring of emotion was overwhelming. I feel vulnerable. But even more so the victim's family.  At times like this you realise that life is too precious to take it for granted. That there are much bigger issues than the little things that we give too much importance sometime.

Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul.

But as people of faith, people who believe in Allah's decree, we have to be redha. To understand that life is but a temporary shelter before we move on to the real destination.

"Bersedih tu biasa, tapi tak perlulah memanjang-manjangkan kesedihan".  We are emotional, however we have to learn to come to term with sadness and lost, and trust that patience in time of trouble is reward in itself.


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