Oct 16, 2008


i dont know but i have to sigh. the other gender seems to be the most difficult thing to comprehend. Sometimes they can be very nice, another time, they are the cruelest and emotionless creature.maybe it's true that they are from mars..
they are unpredictable , i dont know how to rationalise what they do. always have hidden plan..everytime, it pissed me off.i hardly have good opinion about them .they sweet talked their way to women's heart.they cheated and blackmailed.
being a cynic i couldnt help my feeling. but does being the 'miss-i-know-what-u-are-up-to' means that im safe from their endless charms?
i am not saying that girls should anti them, but it's better to be careful all the time.although some of them are real good catch, but there was never any guarantee about it.they can always change.
is it very hard just being nice to the girls in your life?is it asking too much just to show that u care?is it?does it pleased u that u make us cry so much, make us die before an actual death?
and is it comforting for you to beat us for no other reason than just because u are superior than us?
there are so many things u do that simply heartbreaking but i guess u just dont care.all that matters-u get what u want.and it is really resentful to see that some girls willingly accept that kind of treatment.and they make the guy the king in their life.

having said that, im still very much a girl who needs the manly present in my life(joke aside)-though a very feminist one-but i insist on being treated with all due respect,and bukan macam sampah sarap yang boleh di buat suka hati saja.

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