Today is one day before my interview for the perlantikan to jawatan tetap with SPP.and i still dont know where everything will end up. After so many rumors and uncertainty, finally progress is seen..my mind engages constantly with questions..what might be ask?what will be look at,what should i do and many more..so many principles, the do's and donts.i give my total surrender to Allah,who Know everything which is beyond human capacity to know.Tawakaltu 'ala Allah.
Meanwhile, i am busy with worldly affair..things got pretty wild in the world outside.with the neverending war and injustice everywhere. i think, it has gone far more awry than when it started years back.People are dying and every institution that should provide so called shelter and protection hasnt done anything that's worth a penny..so tragical..i was listening to the TV3 news one night when a short documentary about the Israeli-Palestinian War broke out.and the broadcaster-Izwan Azir said that probably blood should be repay by blood.i can only think that..yes, maybe it's about time they use their might since the Israeli wouldnt bulge by any other methods.Personally, i think that the war is beyond anyone to do anything about..because of its historical, political and religion based reasons.
but to stop the war would be for the palestinian people to know, they are more knowledgeable about the condition in there, and they know what is good for them.I agree with the broadcaster,Allah will not change anything unless or until you try to change it on your own first..
what you do with great effort will usually be fruitful.and after all the great effort, then u pray for Allah to help..Insyallah.
1 comment:
weit..tak sempat jumpa ko di SPP haritu..how's the interview?hee..good luck;)
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