that was a very 'eye-catcher' sort of phrase.love it.
i am still at home waiting for the good news to pop itself out from a certain place.i believe that my routine has improved tremendously this past few days.i eat well,sleep well and exercise well..it makes me feel like i have succeed and won against my deteriorating thought.yayyy..
well,not much can be said about myself right now.i have a family project at hand..which will be execute at the end of this year..insyaallah.
My new fave TV programm is The Nanny because i practically am a nanny for my baby brother..no sweat baby..just a piece of cake..;o)
but apart from the enjoyment from watching The Nanny is either you become the marriage obsessed nanny Or become the glutonious mother, Sylvia..if i spell correctly..huhu
Still some people constantly spring the question of when oh when im going to start working for good..the truth is i dont know.
it's not as if i have any say to the matter at hand.i have to wait for certain party to stop procrastinating about it..and be done with everything..why on earth should i feel guilty about it?
in the meantime,im going to enjoy being with my family..something i never did in the past six years..so i wont complain.isnt that something to be grateful about?
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