April must be the most busy month for me so far.i have started teaching and have to handle preparing final exam papers to more than five classes..so, it's heaven..heavenly tiring.so, i might not write anything for weeks to come-because the final test is due in early May.
amidst of classes, assignment, and conducting listening test, Poly Mukah-where i currently reside-the quiet, matter-of-fact small location somewhere in the middle of Sarawak- was experiencing a little jolt..The female hostel has started series of histeria.almost every week, there will be an occasion where a girl or two will get the "bout".It is probably due to examination stress, or postponed worry or anything that makes them feel stress. Just yesterday, instead of happening during maghrib/at night time..it happened in the afternoon-where classes were in progress.Everybody was really taken aback by that. Firstly, because they wont know what to do.and secondly is because nobody want to be in a situation where you have to be in full control of yourself and the students..ustaz Zaidi, our KJ was called to JKA to try and help out..while everybody was engaged in thoughtful mood, Ustaz Zaidi asked Farah about what should be done to the girl if she become "wild"..the conversation goes...
Ustaz Zaidi: Farah, nk buat apa klu budak ni melawan?
Farah: (silent,confused look)
Ustaz Zaidi: (Walking to the door)hah,Farah..nak selak kain?
Farah: (still confused, said nothing)
....at this stage, i had stopped typing and was looking at Ustaz for explanation if any..his question sounded funny to me..
Ustaz Zaidi: (at the door, looking at me and farah)Farah, nak selak kain ka?
Farah: (still confused)kenapa Ustaz?
Ustaz Zaidi: yelah,mana tau kalu dia buat-buat ja.nak tau betul ka tidak kena selak kain la.
at this stage, i was laughing my head off.Ustaz Zaidi looked so serious that i am not aware of the joke at first..while i laughed it all, Farah still had a confused look..few minutes afterwards, then she laugh..LOL LOL LOL LOL
am living at my kuaters now-with a JMSK staff till..dont know.my mum had posted a document on monday last week-using post express-till now, no sign of it..huhu
i'm not sure whether to laugh or worried abt the situation there.the way u wrote it makes it seems quite funny.
gosh,sorry..but at least i'm laughing now!hahahahahahaha
i cant stop laughing the ppl arnd me r looking at me like i'm crazy!
dont worry, everything is fine here..just need time to biasakan diri.;o)
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