Sep 6, 2010

Being a good Muslim

i watched Travel and Living Channel on Sunday:a special episode about the Badshah of Bollywood-none other than the Great SRK.I was awestruck and for the first time i am thinking that, Shah Rukh, despite all the rumours and controversial things he might have done related to his field of work, he is truly a good Muslim.

It triggered fresh thought in my head.

Being a good Muslim is not only a matter of appearance or label. A good Muslim is one who is able to internalize the teachings, the values and ethics his/her way of life, in action, in words, and every other little things that mattered. Ibadah is the fundamental thing to be a good muslim but more than that, at the end of the day, it is how you live your life.

He talked about his passion for acting, his passion for life itself.and in the end, which really caught me by surprise was, the way he talked about sin and reward, heaven and hell, the life after death-in a very islamic way. suddenly my mind was directed to the concept of "work as if you are going to die tomorrow". in simpler term, it is a form of jihad-where you have to perform your duty or responsibility with the best of your ability. Shah Rukh was an embodiment of zest and passion, doing the best in his ability, because he believes that it is his calling to do what he do to the best of his ability.This, in my opinion is the symbol of faith.This, in my opinion again is a sign of a good muslim-by internalizing good values and ethics in daily dwelling.

A good Muslim has direction in his life. He knows his responsibility, and performs his duty to the best of his capability. A good Muslim knows that life is for living but what we do in this world will guarantee what we get in the hereafter. That by doing justice to oneself-putting things into its rightful places, we are doing the best for ourselves. And when the going gets tough, we move along and face it accordingly, knowing that, Allah helps those who help themselves.We believe that there is a Greater Power who Know All and is the Best Judge of All.

Sometimes, we tend to limit the perspective-Being Muslim by just performing ibadah -but we forget that Islam is an all encompassing religion-where the teachings focus on each and every aspect of life. Probably, that's why other people only know Islam based on the hijab/tudung we wear and because we perform prayers after adzan..hmm. Sometimes, it is only the label after all..

it was somewhat an eye opener for me. I feel more directed, focus and more zest for life. I feel that my obligation is in performing my responsibility to the best of my ability.Insya-Allah.

Thank You Allah, for giving me the wisdom to see things differently..There are lot more to learn, and everyday is certainly a journey towards perfection. Insya Allah

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