Mar 19, 2012

Crying a river

i cried today. Not out of sadness but of instance feeling of missing someone.

My former boss had moved to another place last year. That is a tremendous lost for me. Of guidance, of support and of fatherly love. he is one of the people that i find exceptionally attached to because i admired him, his style and his personality. everything is very appealing. He inspired deep sense of discipline and attitude, and im glad i met someome like him, for he contributed to what i am today.

So, on his birthday, i wrote on his wall in FB. wishing what i feel was adequate and showing that i still remembered him a lot. there were times that i even think about what he would do if he was in my place. Sufficed to say, that i admired him so much.

When he reply my comment on his wall, suddenly i have this heavy feeling and started to be teary. so, i cried in the office!the mood..i brought it through out the day.
So when i went home in the afternoon, on the pretext of looking for my missing pendrive(which is true)-i cried nonstop..everywhere in the house, in the bathroom, during solat-totally unstoppable.

"Sebak" i believe that's the word.

i couldn't explain why i cried so much but when i remember him, all of a sudden i feel like crying.

and yes, im still crying(at this point).


gha said...

my former boss was also like a father figure to me,and terasa sgt bila dia kena transfer.and having a new lady boss is disastrous.i never like lady boss.

aznah said...

i feel u..huhu.
my new boss is more of a friend/elder brother.he is also very nice but sometimes, im afraid im too comfortable with him. im afraid that im no good as a subordinate..u know when our friend becomes our's a very fine line..

and apparently it's true what u said abt lady boss. the worst case of "crazy power"..;p