So many things to study and to learn.Sometimes, i don't know which one should come first. Everything comes in big chunk. I have been trying to manage and cope in between auditing and writing reports and CLASSES. I'm trying to be fair in my dealing. So as to make all balance.
These few weeks, i've learned so many things that otherwise would probably take a year or two to learn. Whatever it is that i'm doing, i try to get all the benefits i can get. Try to open my mind to new information. Try to be creative and effective all at once. certainly, there is no room for complaint.
in everything i do, i pay attention to the details, to procedure, on how people work.Some are great inspiration, some are just clueless. some asked question only to prove their own intelligence. To show off things that i don't know, and they answer their own questions in vain. -which i still find amusing.
People who talk as if they knew all, i just dont mind in a bit. They have their own excuses for being the boast.
At first, i might have felt a bit slighted-with people, with the responsibility. But heck, i would give it my best.
"im too much of a gunslinger to back off and be defeated in purpose"
Welcome to the new challenges. I'll make sure it would be a worthy pain and struggle.
Anyway, i found things today-very inspiring indeed from an Indonesian Ulama'
"Alloh lebih tau daripada kita,
segala keperluan dan yang terbaik bagi kita, tugas kita hanya luruskan niat & sempurnakan ikhtiar.
Bukankan selama ini yang terjadi pada kita banyak yang tak terfikirkan dari pada yang difikirkan ?... KH Abdullah Gymnastiar.
Yes, exactly. Luruskan niat, dan sempurnakan ikhtiar.
Another one:
karena semaksimal apapun kebaikan yg kita lakukan, tetap akan ada yang tak suka.
dan yang perlu kita pahami
"Bila kita terluka dan kecewa berarti kita belum ikhlas, berbuat kebaikan hanya mengharap sesuatu dari manusia"
Yes. Belajar ikhlas dalam semua perkara. Belajar untuk tolerate other people.
Another one:
Bila kita salah, lebih cepat mengakui dengan JUJUR dan siap memikul resikonya,
akan jauh lebih menentramkan daripada sibuk bela diri.
Yes, Bertanggungjawab dgn setiap perbuatan.
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