Apr 30, 2012

Cleaning out my closet

I dont know whether this so called "cleansing" process would ever be beneficial to the country, or rather just a smokescreen used by some people to cover the "body" so to speak. People are causing more harm than good. no matter what is intention, the end doesn't justify the means. The intention, no matter how good doesn't permit bad behaviour and actions. as far as i know, all religions have similar view on this. So, don't try to use religion as the basis for you irresponsible behaviour. Not to mention, that it is common sense. After watching a video posted by my friend who joined the gathering, i cried. i felt helpless, i felt suffocated. I don't know how to react. All i see is a group of people who were there under a non realistic false sentiment, who think that this is as easy as the soap opera on TV WITHOUT thinking that what they do would create greater damage in terms of the stability of the country. Call me less patriotic, but patriotic doesnt mean you can go around causing troubles and disrespect all. Patriotic doesn't mean one has to join the rally just because someone else said that your participation will ensure that "world peace" could be established once more. What i did: a) Read articles related to the event. here's what i found: -The aim is to get people to sit together and protest against the government's attempt to build a nuclear reactor(somewhere in semenanjung) because we lacked expertise, and it would be extremely hazardous to people living in that areas(which covered up to 8 hectares of massive land)- (all the hypes about LYNAS are related to this) - Another aim is to ensure that the GE is conducted fair and just, without interference from outside party(s)/individuals. - According to Datuk S. A(the organiser), it is not meant as a political demonstration supporting any individual, and it was meant as a peace rally. -Another one is on sexual freedom (this one is referring to DSAI's case(s).) What i found baffling is: - Why they can't agree on one objective? What is the objective? Why some people say this and another say that?Why they are so many conflicting aims. They seems to be sitting together with unclear objectives VS the so-called culprit. - Is it true that this is not a personal venture exaggerated to win people sympathy and "common sense?" - Are you sure ( people who are out there yelling about telus, bersih, hak dan adil) that the rally is THE ultimate way of upholding justice in this part of the world? Do you people really know what is the meaning of the words which are so often thrown out and about. What is "hak"? what is "justice" Do you really know that or you simply go there because people said that the government is useless, and we must throw them out on the street, "merempat dan terhina? So, does that make you any better?? or any cleverer? Something my friend said made me questioned her statement. She was making this hypes about going there for the sake of her homeland, The land below the wind- for the injustice done to my people, and for all the children who go to school in a very poor ala-ala kampung and tak maju condition- She must have been living there in rabbit year. She hasn't been around so much so how can she generalise like that? i am sure she went there to prove something but certainly none of it has anything to do with the state. That i can be sure(from some personal observation) One very important thing is: not all people who joined the riot were those with clear thinking, "org yang boleh berfikir secara terpelajar"(no offense). They must have known that, in a large group of people, with different outlooks and personal agenda, anything is bound to happen. But, they do not learned from the past rally, and assumed that everything would be under control. they didn't learn at all from '98 and series of rally after that. Nobody seems to be learning anything. Everyone is busy proving that they are right. And it doesn't matter what is at stakes. To be honest, there are pros and cons to it. Saya masih tak menyokong mana-mana pihak. But, i'm all for human justice-Justice that ensures rightful people get what they "deserve", and rightful things be put in their rightful places. The kind that ensures happiness in the world and in the hereafter. The kind that(those people who claimed to be Islamic)should know. Not the "mainstream" justice Life is about answering questions. when it's time to answer ours, hopefully we could anwer it with clear conscience. Cos in the end, it is between you and Allah alone.

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