that becomes a very pressing question lately. people are asking and talking about being in a relationship and marriage.but to tell the truth it never sounds appealing to me.
and what a handicap being single is..because:
a)people keep asking and become curious of your status.
b)there is many possibilities that u will be very close with one or two male friend in the office which spurs gossip
c)close relation with a male friend will frighten and overwhelm u because if he is single the possibility that u two flirt with one another is immense..and when u flirt with one another, u will make everything(professional-wise)uncomfortable.
d)all the male in the office..whose girlfriends are far away act like u r their girlfriend which is actually really troublesome
f)the officemate will gossip anyone who is single and available-who happens to stop by at the office with you..and it becomes really embarrasing.
g)gangguan nakal berunsur gangguan sexual bermaksud perbuatan memandang dengan liar di tempat2 tertentu, atau Flirt Text Message x-rated and perbuatan sengaja menyebabkan tangan/jari/kaki menyentuh orang lain..huhu
huhu..although, they all are just joking but sometimes it becomes too much and u become uncomfortable.
my problem now is i become too close with my male colleague-and we go out for lunch twice already.we'r both responsible adult and know the consequence of whatever it is that we do.walaupun kami tidaklah buat benda-benda yang menjolok mata..NO Such Thing.but we flirt incessantly.we r both single.and no body would care about it.
but suddenly he becomes very fond of flirting x-ratedly..i dont know whether he was joking or really means it..but suddenly i feel very threaten,afraid and of course i freak out.i feel really really really uncomfortable..
yesterday when we went out..coincidently, it was office he planned to stop by at his house for a sleep..and i insist that he leave me at any bustop along the way..luckily, he cancelled his plan and we went straight back to the office.he is angry because i asked him to leave me anywhere for bus.
the conversation goes..
him:napa u nk turun kat mana2.i tak suruh pun u naik bas.
me : memangla.u nk balik tidur nanti i nk buat apa?
him: ei, rumah i besar la.u tengok tv kat bawah i tdo lah kt atas
me :xde..i just want to make sure that im safe.
him:(frustrated)aku penatla..aku xde energy nak buat benda lain..smlm i tdo pkl 4 tau.tgk game dengan kwn2 i.
me :(LOL..for a long time.and continuously..all the way..lucu dengar jawapan dia.)
him:(look at me dengan pandangan yg sukar nk mengerti..sebab i mengarut..hahaha)
him: safe,safe..i rantai u karang..
im still laughing, continuously until we reach the office.
later that night he said that i should trust my safety when im with him..because he will not do anything that in any way harmed me.or anything that im not willing to do ...the problem is, he was speaking as if we have the inclination to do something stupid that we will both regret afterward.and i said that if he attempt to do anything that close enough to that, he will stand to lose me..i hope that is ultimatum enough for him.
at this point, im half hoping that im in a relationship, so there is someone/something that can protect me from gangguan-gangguan yang begitu.then,i will not have too much freedom of doing anything i want.
but then again, adakah orang nk i?and ada tak i nk kat orang pula?
and then again..salah ke klu i single?
*seperti yand di discuss bersama my housemate cik anggun.tulisan ini bercampur baur dengan pengalaman cik anggun,diriku dan kawan-kawan.harap maklum.:o)
nothin wrong with tht,it's just,u knw,there r certain situations that we need someone to rely on to.yg kt boleh harapkan without much questions..u knw wht i mean?
no i dont think so.u see i have no expectation whatsoever abt anything.and i never rely on anyone without much i might not understand u..huhu
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