what can i say?tiada perkataan yang mampu menggambarkan perasaan saya bila tengok pertemuan dua orang dari dua alam yang lain, dan tidak mungkin bersama.sebab yang seorang lagi adalah ghost.and ghost tu pada saya sangat simbolik kerana dia merujuk kpd your past,your secret and everything else that wont go away.everything that u want but couldnt possibly get.
so much left to say.so much more to feel.to cry.and be sad.
saya sangat suka scene Cheryl baling cincin Zack and suddenly the ring floated towards her.and suddenly Zack Imran was there.i like her expression.saya suka cara scene itu di materialise kan..talking about romantic ghost story..and the song is a bonus.yeah,they got the marketing right.
and a good story is a good story..sob,sob,sob.
yeah i watched that episode.it's damn good 2 b able 2 c someone who's quite impossible 2 be seen again..huhu
yeah..u'r rite..what happened babe?when u nak cerita ni?!;o)
i'm not sure what happened..let's chat bile u free.it's hard 2 tell in monologue
lets.im going to ym at 2.going to solat first.hehe
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