Aug 22, 2010


Life gets complicated everyday-full of twist and turn..pleasant and unpleasant or plain crazy.Everything is in the package called LIFE. Have to accept-open the package to know what's in it-and try to deal with the surprises or the shocks of finding what's in it. No time to the end it's all about the strategies you employ. it is in the strategy, people...

Done and finished quite a number of things:
a) completed Unit 3 for the new communicative module
b) Manage to give out-sort of- a take home tasks for my semester one students.
c) Manage to mark assignments of my sem 2 students.
d) Succesful experiment of karipap for majlis berbuka puasa for my Jab-with the help of my students of course-immensely grateful for that, considering that no one else from the Jab. showed up on the day of the majlis.Waiting anxiously for my KJ's comment..huhu. Anyway, it's the effort that mattered..hehehe
e) manage to work my brain off some task for the new communicative module:reaction paper-phew,that was a real challenge. Nobody was really sure what to do. New one from the Ministry. Great Job u guys!

Things/events pending:
a)Committee for the coming Kolokium-the research and development unit
b)Kem Kemuyang-kem Pemantapan Personaliti for students-as a secretary, there are tons of reporting to be done.and this one i will start after i came back from the EEP-Training for Trainer Course-which will start today.
c)Project for my sem 4 students-mock interview and mock meeting
d)updating some things-kualiti jab
e) start driving class-after cuti hari raya, definitely. wich reminds me i havent order any kek lapis from my friend. I will after i came back next week..Promises,promises..huhu

i find it extremely comforting to write in my blog. Nowadays, talking to people get me fed-up..because some of them are real pain in the a**.So, for that..Thank you my dear Blog. Without you, i would be suffocated with my own thought.

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