Dec 1, 2011

The Exception to General Rules

Finally a 3-day surveillance audit comes to an end today-with more than mixed feeling. Some feel that there are many rooms for improvement.some feel that a noncomformance status is a well deserving status to be given. Some feel that 6k is too expensive a price to even receive unfavourable result. But to think it from a positive side, perhaps what we need is an expensive experience so that next time, we could pull through much better than we already tried. What we have to bear in mind, is that whatever result we get in the end is an opportunity for improvement, be it favourable or unfavourable. This is indeed a lesson towards betterment-as a wakeup slap to our faces that it is definitely a high time to up our game.


Personally, it is a very eye-opening experience for highlights many aspects, work wise, perspective wise and attitude wise. it gets my thought going on my leadership ability, on efficiency and decision making process. this is more than just banking on the academic qualification, it's more towards human resource skills in general and my ability to perform my duty/responsibility in the required aspects. My attitude towards what i do.
Obviously, we learn more by doing and observing than just listening blindly to what other people have to say. More often than not, what we listen from other people are already marred by their own perspectives. a much welcome training, i would say.It is such an honour to work with a well trained auditor-one who gives loads of inputs on skills and perspective-professional judgment, and who always, despite on her professional obligation, always emphasize on humane consideration and not just the mechanic of things.

i love one point she mentioned: there's always a time for the "benefit of doubts". not all things are the way they seemed to be, and you have to consider and compromise once in a while. I love the maturity of her judgment. I learn a great deal on attitude as well. this is definitely an exception to the general rules for me:For her to be able to make a very considerate professional judgment.That's why in the first place, we get 2 NC and 9 OFI-otherwise, we are actually qualified for more.

Although, this one might come as a heavy penalty to many, but for me, whatever the result is a well deserving result-based on the evidences presented. As a young institution, we have to learn to shoulder some of the responsibility. Hopefully, next time we would be more prepare and not just talk big about everything. We dont need something that look beautiful on paper, but when it comes to execution, it becomes haywire.

This is definitely a challenge-more of a psychological challenge rather than procedural challenge. We have the procedure, but lack the weight to actually carried it out into meaningful action.

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