That's how it is so far. Many things to do, but nothing that can't be done. Insyaallah. Me being a fast learner helps a lot. Friendly and helpful co-workers are great. New boss is very appealing and inspired deep sense of attitude. The environment is sterile off unnecessary things. That's positive. I have been making a healthy progress with my new responsibility. At the same time is still trying to build rapport with other co-workers. Everyday, at least one or two new things. Insya-allah. as i said, nothing that can't be done.
Academic wise, still trying to finish off my XCompile. Also, i would like to say-nothing that can't be done. Focus, focus and focus, and surely we will do just fine. Insya allah.if it feels like emptying the last drop of energy, so be it. I don't really mind the hardwork. I have been there and i will be there again. No worries.Although,many things need to be completed, i will do it. No exception.No excuses.
Another one: for my baby quality unit. I am still pretty much "in" the mood for it. Infact, these two days i would be at the strategic planning workshop. I admire the people. I try to pick up something from them. i mean, instead of feeling like a small fish who used to live in an aquarium, why not enjoy the open sea once in a while? You feel uncomfortable because you feel you don't belong. But heck, be there and be inspired by their ideas and the way they project themselves. Listen.Learn.No judgment. Just be. At least, you learn one or two things, if not skills then manners. Read cocky? well, that's the problem with negative attitude. everything must be low profile and humble. I'm going to take the opportunity to learn something.
of personal life. everything is great. i have no excuse to complain about a thing. I thank God for the opportunity to be blessed in so many ways. I thank God for everything that happens. I pray for the strength and the wisdom to understand better.
La hawla walaa quwwata illa billah -He who made easy any endeavor
Insya Allah, Insya Allah.
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