Feb 15, 2012

a small adjustment

starting Friday my office would officially be in the Student Affair Unit. It probably means that i would be moving back and forth from the General Studies Department and the Student Affair Unit. Im in the process of finishing off my current workloads so that i have plenty of times to concentrate on my new job. I have already informed my boss on Tuesday. Tomorrow, my other responsibility is due to start.But, as a matter of moving at the right time, i chose Friday to actually be at the new office. As far as i am concerned, i have worked harder today, and half of what i planned to complete has not been touched yet. The only thing that i am bringing with me is my File, and some other class related things. I told my boss i would keep the rest of my thing in my desk. Just so that i have a place to come back to should i need something.

i would say with gratitude, it is a most welcome small adjustment.

Thank you Allah,for the opportunity. I pray for the strength to fulfill my duty and responsibility everyday.

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