Oct 1, 2012

I don't mind at all

What is all the hues about the month being October? It doesn't mean anything to me. Be it any month.

Today is pretty smooth to say the least. i am able to live up to my expectation. i settled everything. i did everything i could, hoping that my effort today would make these busy few days bearable. In the hope that i would have enough resources of my own to fight the "bout" of busy-ness. I dont really give a thought about what's right or wrong for other people. i just do whatever that is called for the moment. Given the fact that some people can be very mean and selfish when it comes to their wants and needs. So what, you bring out your high and mighty attitude, thinking that you could get away with it? better think again. i still cringe with loath with some people's high and mighty attitude. Loath it so much!

Today, a friend in need is turning for assistance. I couldn't help but be ready handed about it. And i didnt care at all. i still has so much respect for this friend of mine. still has so much love for him. So much trust.The thing is, it only happened when this friend needs something. I bet this friend hardly remember me at all at any other times. i always reminds myself that i would be a good friend to those who prove they are worthy of friendship. He is one of the friends that believes in me when everyone else was so pretentious. At times of high troubles, he was there. So, although i was busy today, i helped. That's as much as i can do for him. I found it trivial sometimes, the things that he asked but i didnt mind at all. For him. The same thing i would do for all of my good friends.

Someone was apologizing today. for none doing. i found it was easy to let go. So i just let it go. there's no need to complicate my preoccupied mind. i need it fresh and focus. i knew someone is out to punch me in the face. Just like what he did last time, the traitor. knowing and understanding the game now, i would like to see how far he would go this time. Someone who already complained about unfair life, should get what he wanted. He is always on a flimsy pretext of being procedural and being blablabla this and that, and deep down inside i feel that he deliberately is trying to pull my legs. Pendengki memang macam tu. Oh, please dont call it being competitive. Not artsy at all, okay?

Feel a little bit dragged down. My uncle told me that i have to wait a little longer here. Oh.....

And at the end of the day, i cried helplessly. i dont know whether it was because i was too tired,or that i am relieved everything is well on track-like bottled up emotions. maybe a bit of both. But the feeling was good.

 i feel light.

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