Oct 7, 2012


i started reading again. No TV. Internet is slow. So, i resorted to the most traditional entertainment. besides, i need to start mending my broken English. too many grammatical mistakes that are embarrassing. i noticed an improvement when i read. The problem is, i dont have the luxury of time as well as good books to read. i have to force myself the other day to pick books in the library. mostly outdated and or i have read them before. Not much choices. i haven't bought any book recently. i didnt buy magazine anymore. Too flashy, too glossy and too much for my poor self esteem. speak of finding excuses.:) Besides, i can easily google up the info from the net. Why bother increasing the expenditure if you can get the info way cheaper and easy?

started cycling again. i need the stamina or the distraction. i feel healthier. it was such a satisfaction to feel the sweat running down my body. it was good.

started singing with my friends. shouting to the highest possible notes. Very good cure for all the stress in a week's works. gonna do it again sometimes.

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