Another man has gone down in the battle field. The sadness that we feel will never be as greater as those whose family members had gone down in the battle. Ours is an understatement of sadness. theirs were overwhelming. Where to turn to if not to the Almighty for strength and guidance? We always are so proud of this country and we even took its peace and stability for granted. Now, it should serve as a reminder of how easily it could have taken away, how fragile life can be. Let's pray in our deepest prayer that all will be well soon, In sha Allah.
i was in class-a remaining fifteen minutes of time when i decided to ask my students to pray together for the Fallen. In the hope that it would incite the love for Malaysia. As i went along with my short condolence speech, i started toget overwhelmed with my emotion. i cried helplessly. My students remained in silent the few seconds of complete togetherness. i was terribly upset of the inhuman acts of the enemy. i was thinking about the helplessness. They were engaged in hours of endless tortures and humiliation-which were unthinkable for a normal thinking individual. Although later on, my sister updated that, the gangs were the drug dealers who might be under the influence of narcotics at that time. Yes, without senses and rationality, anyone can turn into a beast.
It remains the bloodiest of event. Us with theoretical battle experiences, and them with advanced battle techniques- there was no way we can fight experience. They dragged us down with experiences.and most probably blind courage. Bloody Bukit Kepong is brought to life
Condolence to the family. Al - Fatihah.
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