Just some trains of thought i am having.
i was amused to see some people twisted definition of friendship. Pity, of all the air of perfectionist they possessed, at the end of the day, it is a display of how immature adults can be. How childish. How very closed minded they really are.
I went to a program tonight. This is not the first program i have been. i like showing up whenever invited. but i learned to let go of this perfect version of always being there. I sometimes didn't attend to invitations. But very rarely. This is not the first program i went especially to give support to fellow mates. I have been to quite a few programs which i was not directly involved, but i went anyway because of this "friendship" thingy. It doesnt hurt a bit. It never hurt me to show up for a friend. I made it a point to be there for people i care about. I dont just make a speech out of it. I don't just be there because i need someone to accompany me to breakfast or lunch. I dont just be there for people because i need someone who can laugh out loud or lash at someone else. i dont just be there because i think that i need someone exclusive. i am there because i want to be there. As a friend. to be happy together. To experience the down time together.
But, people choose to be perfect instead of admitting that at some point of life they screwed up. People would rather die with their vanity i guess. Kindness is just a word without meaning. i understand that.i feel sorry for these people who have no respect for friendship and go about hurting the friendship. What's with them anyway? If you are a good friend, you would be happy for all the good things that happened to your friend. You dont go about pointing mistakes. It's not your life anyway, unless you have something going on for this friend of yours, then i can understand your bitterness. My opinion.
While i appreciate the friends i have now, i would like to express my heartfelt contempt for this one person for all the lies she told me. Big timed Liar. so my first judgment about her was right. Can't trust a pretty face. Always full of sneaky games up her sleeves.It must feel good to her to manipulate others so very easily. well, some people you just have to stay away from. .
I have been in terrible situation with people whom i think were my friends. Read: people i can trust. It turned out that these people were only there when they want someone to follow their whim and fancy. They dont have respect for my feeling. They dont have respect for the friendship. They just want a cover for their asses. Though, it was hurting first degree, i dont go about hurting them. I let everybody be happy with their choices i continue moving on with my life. I didn't go about tarnishing their good reputation. I didn't win anything but i didn't lost anything either. So it is a win-win for me. I didn't care about winning. Come to think of it, i still have some degree of respect for the good times spent together. Oh yes, it was terribly damaging to my ego but Allah has already replaced them with all the good people i met on the way to recovery. Alhamdulillah and Insya Allah, this will continue.
Just a reminder : Janganlah kerana terlalu sibuk mendongak ke langit, rasa diri di awang-awangan, menjadi sombong sampai lupa hendak berpijak di bumi yang nyata. It's always better to be kind, than being right. Kebaikan itu tak menyakitkan. Sakit itu adalah kerana kesombongan diri sendiri.
# Being kind is a purpose. Insya Allah.
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