Oct 30, 2010


Mencuri waktu untuk sang kekasih.

si dia yang sibuk bekerja.saya juga.

kami sedang sibuk menjalani kehidupan.

kami sedang cuba mengartikan perasaan..

perlahan-lahan memberi makna perhubungan.

Bimbang dengan segala kemungkinan.

kami sedang cuba memungkinkan kejadian.

kami sedang cuba merealisasikan impian.

kami cuba memahami kejauhan.

cuba mencipta kerinduan.

teman dan kesayangan,

kamu bermain di ruang fikiran,

kamu meniti di setiap perkataan.

kamu di segenap ruang khayalan.

kamu mencipta kemahuan.

kamu mencipta anganan.

saya takut kehilangan.

takut terhanyutkan.

takut memberikan,

takut mentafsirkan,

takut kekurangan.

.................perasaan halus yang tak terucapkan kata-kata............

Oct 29, 2010

Fed up!

Fed up with stories.

i dont want to listen to bad things about you. i dont want to know your attitude problems. i dont want anything at all to do with you!

To hell with professionalism. i dont need lame excuse to talk about you!

you wont understand the conflict i feel inside..you dont understand how much emotion i feel for you in the first place..

you dont understand at all..so, dont judge my stand, or my reaction or my emotion.

DONT, for God's Sake "you people" me!

Oct 27, 2010

As of today

a)Gembira menghabiskan masa dengan sang kecintaan, walaupun zon waktu kerja berbeza, tetap rasa sangat gembira..:o)Jadi, kamu-kamu sekalian, saya tidak perlukan orang yang tidak available untuk menjadi sang teman..kerana saya ada dia yang single dan sweet sekali...

b)tidak faham kenapa kata hati saya berdetik bahawa ada yang tak beres dengan orang itu dan ini.. Ada si jahat mulut yang menjaja cerita busuk dan melukakan dengan murahannya.. Itukah nilai kamu sebagai seorang Muslim?Persetankan kamu...Kamu ini terlalu bijaksana sehingga kebijaksanaan kamu itu menjahanamkan orang..oh, cruelest lies are often told in silence..masalahnya kamu tak faham bahasa..jadi perlu explain?Huh, buang masa!

begini lah sahaja..buatlah apa yang memuaskan hati kamu..
Satu soalan untuk difikirkan di kepala keanak-anakan kamu tu..

Kamu siapa untuk dikisahkan dalam hidup saya?Bukan siapa-siapa..jadi please berhenti berlagak seolah-olah kamu berkepentingan dalam hidup saya..

Benci sang penikam dari belakang..sangat!!!

Oct 25, 2010

of love

Magic words only we can understand
Lately I don't have time for dreaming and such
When I remember, it's funny and makes me happy
We'll see each other again, even without a promise
We'll see each other, we'll see each other

.....hai sang kecintaan.kamu sedang bikin aku jadi tak keruan.;o)

Oct 24, 2010

The funny feeling

It was amusing...

We were in badminton club together in sekolah rendah.We went to several championships together. We were both in Volley ball club together, and went to several championship together, we were both in the same classes since we were in standard 3 to 6..and again in form 4-5.the difference was he was not in my Taekwondo class, and i never join the school sport activities.nothing ever happened. and we were always with different group of people, yet always close to one another.Yet always distance..Very amusing how things change course and suddenly, you found yourself with someone whom you never even think of in the slightest...

yet, i get nervous by how strong the emotion felt. i have a very indescribable feeling, and i am frightened that my action is inappropriate towards him, and that he might interpret it as a rejection..that i might lost him.

i am no good in expressing my feeling..and that's the only catch..

Oct 22, 2010

Anti Climax

im the sort of person who loves challenges,enjoys limelights and gets excited by overwhelming speeds and momentum..

i love the rush hours of working, the busy-ness, the race and the madness. I love the whole package. i love doing something, i love the energy, the mental as well as physical perspiration. In short i simply enjoy working..

Having been working my butt off, there's nothing more bloody bullshit then people who dont do anything but still have so much to say. Or people who do not have the decency to respect other people's efforts. or people who simply dont know when to keep their damned mouth shut!

i was so moved by the energy, and had been taking advantage of the busy-ness since earlier this week. at the end of the day,when it supposedly boomed, all of a sudden the energy plummeted to below zero level. It feels so horrible. Everything i do, no matter how small or insignificant it is, no matter how big or significant it, they are all meant to boost my self-confidence. Knowing that you go beyond one point and you can do things you never do, well, that's a tremendous source of energy for me.. Knowing that you have done that, and been there.everything is meant to challenge myself.

there goes the anti-climax, i am demoralised and made to feel that what i did was not good enough.

Apalah kejadian ni??!

Oct 20, 2010

Dear blog

Dear Blog..

i feel terribly sorry for him. Terribly sorry that people find him problematic.terribly sorry that people dont really like working with him. Terribly sorry that he feels alienated. Terribly sorry for everything that does not work right for him.

But mostly, i feel terribly sorry because he does not know how to appreciate a good thing when he sees one.

I feel terribly sorry i cant be off help. Terribly sorry for you. Terribly sorry.

Dear Blog,
you know i will always have a soft spot for him. But, there's no way on earth it would be of any use.

Dear Blog,
i much more prefer if nobody tells me anything about him anymore. As much as i said i have moved on, some parts of me are still tied to him. And i desperately need a delay time so that i can really be cured of any emotion.

Dear Blog,
i feel terribly sorry but i wont do anything about it.

Dear Blog,
i will remain aloof.


Bila menyebut mengenai kesyukuran, tentu kita teringat tentang firman Allah SWT di dalam sebuah hadis qudsi yang menyebut mengenai sifat syukur, iaitu terjemahannya;

“Kalau Aku uji kamu dengan kesusahan, kamu tidak mahu bersabar, dan kalau Aku uji kamu dengan nikmat, kamu tidak mahu bersyukur, maka nyahlah kamu dari bumi dan langit Allah ini dan pergilah cari Tuhan yang lain.”

Kalau kita perhatikan hidup manusia ini dengan teliti, kita akan dapati bahawa manusia ini sedetik pun tidak terlepas dari diuji. Manusia diuji dengan ujian kesusahan ataupun ujian nikmat yang silih berganti datangnya. Kemudian manusia dituntut supaya bersabar dalam menerima kesusahan serta bersyukur dalam menerima nikmat. Jadi, pada hakikatnya, apa sahaja pergolakan dan perubahan yang berlaku dalam hidup manusia ini, ia hanya mempunyai dua sifat atau dua bentuk. Sama ada ia ujian kesusahan atau ujian nikmat. Atas kedua-dua bentuk ujian ini, hati kita perlu menerimanya dengan betul, iaitu bersabar apabila menerima kesusahan dan bersyukur apabila dikurniakan nikmat.

Di antara kedua-dua tuntutan ini, sekali imbas kita lihat, bersabar itu lebih susah dan lebih berat untuk dipraktikkan.Ini kerana dalam bersabar, hati manusia perlu melalui kesusahan, keresahan, tekanan dan penderitaan. Emosi, fikiran dan ketenangan jiwa terganggu. Kebahagiaan hilang. Bersyukur pula, pada sekali imbas, nampak lebih senang dan mudah kerana hati manusia berada dalam keadaan tenang dan gembira; tidak ada tekanan atau penderitaan.

Apakah ini benar? Adakah bersyukur itu lebih mudah dari bersabar? Kalau benar kenapa tidak ramai orang yang mampu bersyukur? Kenapakah orang-orang yang benar-benar bersyukur itu sedikit sekali bilangannya. Kenapakah Allah ada berfirman di dalam Al Quran:


“Sedikit sekali dari hamba-hamba-Ku yang bersyukur.” (Surah As-Saba’: 13)

Bersyukur itu sebenarnya berperingkat-peringkat. Ramai orang, apabila mendapat nikmat, lantas mereka memuji Allah. Mereka ucapkan ‘Alhamdulillah’. Ini bersyukur cara biasa. Ramai yang boleh bersyukur dengan cara ini. Akan tetapi, kalau setakat ucapan sahaja, ia belum lagi dikira bersyukur yang sebenarnya. Kalau setakat ucapan sahaja, tetapi tuntutan tuntutan lain dalam bersyukur itu tidak dilaksanakan, maka ditakuti ucapan ‘Alhamdulillah’ itu hanyalah untuk mempermain- mainkan atau mempersendakan Allah sahaja.

Ramai juga orang, apabila menerima nikmat atau diselamatkan dari bala bencana, lantas mereka memuji Allah dan mengucapkan ‘Alhamdulillah’. Di samping itu hati mereka benar-benar merasakan Allahlah yang telah memberi mereka nikmat itu, atau Allahlah yang telah menjauhkan mereka dari bala bencana tersebut. Mereka diberi pahala kerana merasakan syukur itu di dalam hati mereka. Ini bersyukur peringkat kedua.

Adapun syukur yang sebenar itu ialah syukur yang diucapkan oleh lidah, yang dirasakan atau ditasdikkah di dalam hati, dan yang dilaksanakan dalam perbuatan. Di samping mengucapkan ‘Alhamdulillah’ dan di samping merasakan di hati bahawa Allahlah yang mengurniakan nikmat tersebut, nikmat itu mesti digunakan atau dikorbankan ke jalan Allah. Inilah hakikat kesyukuran yang sebenarnya.

Kalau kita kaya contohnya, kekayaan itu perlu digunakan ke jalan Allah untuk membantu fakir miskin, untuk jihad fisabilillah dan untuk kemaslahatan umat Islam keseluruhannya. Begitulah juga dengan segala bentuk nikmat Allah yang lain. Semuanya perlu dimanfaatkan ke jalan Allah untuk mendapat keredhaan-Nya.
Firman Allah :

Maksudnya: “Kalau kamu bersyukur atas nikmat-nikmat-Ku, Aku akan tambah lagi nikmat-nikmat-Ku. Tetapi kalau kamu kufur nikmat, ingatlah sesungguhnya siksa-Ku amat pedih.” (Surah Ibrahim: 7)

Syukur seperti inilah yang Allah suka dan yang Allah mahu. Dia akan tambah lagi nikmat-Nya, untuk ‘cover’ balik apayang dikorbankan ke jalan Allah itu.

Justeru itu, kita dapati dalam bersyukur itu ada tugas, ada kerja dan ada tanggungjawabnya iaitu kita terpaksa mengguna dan mengorbankan segala nikmat yang Allah kurniakan itu ke jalan Allah. Nikmat Allah itu perlu ditadbir, diurus dan digunakan pada jalan yang betul. Amat mudah bagi manusia lupa diri dan menggunakan nikmat Allah itu kepada jalan yang sia-sia atau lebih berat lagi kepada jalan maksiat. Kalau ini berlaku maka nikmat itu akan bertukar menjadi bala dan mendapat laknat daripada Allah.

Dalam bersabar, kita tidak ada kerja atau tanggungjawab tambahan selain dari menahan perasaan. Tidak ada bahaya menyalahgunakan nikmat kurniaan Tuhan. Apa yang perlu hanyalah menjaga dan mendidik hati supaya dapat menerima ketentuan Allah itu dan berbaik sangka dengan-Nya.

Barulah kita faham kenapa Allah berfirman bahawa sedikit sekali hamba-hamba-Nya yang bersyukur kerana bersyukur itu sendiri bukanlah suatu perkara yang mudah.

Fahamlah kita sekarang, bersyukur itu rupanya lebih berat dari bersabar.

(taken from www...)

Oct 19, 2010

Kata Hati

Terdetik tiba-tiba..

Orang yang menyakitkan hati itu
a)Bodoh dan jahil-tak tahu adat, tidak diajarkan adab sopan kerana tak sedar perbuatannya menyinggung orang lain ATAU

b)Minta puji-sengaja mengada-ngada, terhegeh-hegeh dan gedik minta perhatian.


Ya Allah, Sakit hati hanya Engkau yang lebih tahu. Aku berserah kepada-Mu ya Allah. Sesungguhnya Engkau Tuhan yang Maha Menilai dan Maha Mengetahui akan segala sesuatu.

Tawakaltu 'ala Allah. Laa hawla waalaa quwwata illa billah.

Oct 18, 2010

Daily Dwelling

Today is progressive as usual. Life has never slowed down so far. always at the same speed-which really needs me to get a grab of things or multi task so that everything would be smooth running. Supposedly, i have to attend a colloquium today, but i didnt. simply because i have been doing other things and i dont have enough time to do them, so i asked to be excused.

Today, i managed to complete few things

a)Marking listening test for AE101
b)MC text f or monthly assembly
c)trying to do the tentative-to my exasperation as i struggled hard to get use to Publisher..Really need help with tech. i must say that my effort is unsuccessful.huhu
i have to ask one of my friend to help me with that..

i wish i could settle matters related to assembly before friday so i would have time to do other things.

One point to mention... I am awestrucked.by so beautiful a thing.My heart really skip a beat, and i didnt realise i was holding my breath.and tears started flooding my eyes.as i pray to Allah to let me have one of the "beauties".As i realised i was late again and the "beauty" is taken..huhu

Now i understand why sometimes people cry over "beauty"..

Oct 15, 2010

Of youth

PMU and 3D2N Program.

3D2N program is an academic based program where form 5 students from several schools come over to Poli and undergo -sort of-orientation program. In my time, i went to one such program called kem Kecemerlangan in UMS. We went to several places in campus, and do lots of academic based activities. basically, the point was to give moral support for students who will be taking SPM. The nature of the program is probably the same.

i went around after office to see how things moving along. Seeing those youngsters, so full of life and spirit somehow injected good spirit to me. i have always like working with younger people. Their energy have the power to motivate me to be more zestful. so innocent and simple minded. So unassuming, yet spirited. i was moved by the innocence of early life..Mine has long gone with age, and hopefully experience.
i didnt mean it to be a bad thing though. All people, at one point in life would lost the innocence of early life. It is just that, seeing those innocence again once in a while will give us the opportunity to reflect on life in general..it has the renewal effect psychologically.

i was amazed by the abundance of positive energy.it is definitely contagious.

Oct 14, 2010

Rambling of the heart

I realised one thing a few days ago. That i actually never stopped liking this one person. I denied the fact for more than a year now for a specific reason, and now i have to admit that i really like this person. The day he asked me something, and the times when we talked about a thing..it suddenly hit me that, i actually like him..

i like him because he is mature, responsible, trusting, caring, kind, brotherly,full of sense of humor but not a crackhead-in short, dependable, reliable, calm and never busybodied about other people, hardly make personal comment, he knows what he wants,never judge people yet firm and has his own standard. He is not handsome, but handsome was never in my list of characters..so he passed.

Thinking positively now, i met quite a number of people who were matured, dependable, reliable, responsible, serious and driven, and i feel really attracted to these quality. the qualities made them irresistable and attractive in my eyes..
i wouldnt mind being married to one of them:o)

If i ever lost one person with these quality, i would cry blood. But let say, you lost someone who is handsome but does not possess any of the qualities, is it worthy of tears?DEFINITELY A WASTE OF TIME!:o)

Positively again, the reason why we are not with a particular person, was simply because it wasnt meant to be. maybe you are far too good for him.and he was not the right person anyway..Now, shouldnt blame ourselves if he left because he is clueless, should we..DEFINITELY NO:o)

Everything will work out just fine.InsyaAllah

Oct 11, 2010

Mencari Kekuatan Dalam Kelemahan

Dunia memang sangat pelik. Bila kita tersenyum dengan hati terbuka menerima apa yang datang di hadapan, tiba-tiba ia bertukar wajah tanpa bersebab. Ia menjatuhkan kita dalam lubang dalam yang tak dapat di panjat, gelap dan dalam. kemudian. Bila kita sinis menerimanya, ia cuba pula menunjukkan wajah indahnya. bila kita bersendirian dan hilang arah, ia menunjukkan satu demi satu pintu gembira. Bila kita gembira, satu demi satu pintu itu ditutup dan kita dibiarkan sendirian mencari arah.
Hidup ini juga pelik. tiada corak yang tetap dan warnanya pudar selepas satu saat.Tiada penunjuk arah dan tiada laluan kecil. semuanya terbentang kosong di hadapan. kita pula yang termangu-mangu meneka arah..
Sepahit mana pun kehidupan dan sesinis mana juga dunia, kita harus redha menerima. kita harus berusaha mengubah dan memperbaiki. Kita harus sedia melepaskan tali yang sudah putus dan gantikan dengan tali baru yang lebih kejap. Supaya sekiranya kita perlu mendaki lagi, sekurang-kurangnya, kita sudah bersedia.
Kerana kelemahan hari ini, kita berupaya mencari kekuatan baru. dan kerana kesilapan semalam, kita tahu arah mana yang harus dituju. belajar melalui "trial" dan "error".Semoga niat yang baik disertai dengan kesungguhan usaha akan mencipta suasana kekuatan baru yang lebih baik.
Kelemahan itu adalah kekuatan yang sebenar.. hanya saja kita perlu tahu menggunakannya untuk memotivasikan diri. InsyaAllah

Oct 7, 2010


a specific group of people has turned to become lunatics. It is annoying, irritating, stressful and an extremely revolting experience.


Oct 5, 2010


Peringatan kepada diri sendiri:

1.Segala yg terjadi ada hikmahnye. Mungkin Allah nk kita jadi orang yg lebih baik dr sebelum ni.
2.Mungkin sebelum ni kita lalai dan lupa kat Dia.
3.BerSABAR, BerSYUKUR and BerDOA lah!
4.Happiness will come bila kita betul2 redha dgn ujian Allah.
6.Terusksn berDOA dgn YAKIN!
7.Dapatkan kasih sayang Allah dgn berSYUKUR atas segala nikmat yang Allah dh bg.
8.Utk bahagia dan berjaya, kenalah berSABAR barulah pass ujian Allah.
9.REMEMBER! Allah tu Maha Mendengar n Maha Mengetahui apa saja yg kita bisikan dalam hati kita - tu juga DOA.
10.Banyakkan merayu pada Allah...

(taken from Atih's Honest Encounter...)

Oct 4, 2010


came back from kem kemuyang on sunday afternoon. at night, attended Malam 1Budaya, PMU. i thought i would be flat tired but, the energy of the night got me excited. so, i was able to function. More than i expected. Though, in the evening somebody not quite responsible called up and 'ordered' me to go early at the hall to help with the table arrangement. What she didnt know was bos had already asked me to go at certain time.Total Lack of consideration for me.. when she was away all over town for something insignificant.and didnt even show her face at night.Damned selfish. and some people who claimed to be tired by doing nothing..If u really wanted to talk about tiredness, then you can go fucked yourself up!

Kem kemuyang was a fresh experience. lots of things to learn, a new dimension to explore. i was grateful i went. the director was real cool guy, very down to earth, sense of humor, mature, very gentlemanly, very accomodating and in total, a very knowledgable and wise guy..Really,you have to spend some times with him to know what a leader he is.. He joined the teambuilding activities which are all physical based..but never once complained about a thing. I really felt touched during one of the activities because it required tremendous physical strenght and the students were doing it like crazy..i was touched by their team spirit.So he was showing me his photos taken during the activities, and it accidentally slipped from my mouth. and he said something that showed understanding..right then, i was touched beyond description...again. But over all, it was a good experience.new people and new environment.:o)

Someone was playing dirty. If you were stressed up about some other people, why would you say it to me?what do you want-for me to tell that person for you?or simply because you think that it would be easy to bully me than THAT person? You said you pity me because THAT person keep on ordering me around and i keep on saying yes..or you are actually just being sarcastic?You were talking along the line of religiousness, i wondered if you were really showing an exemplary behaviour. Without realizing it, my friend..you are also bullying me by singling me out for your dissatisfaction towards the other person. i DARE you..go speak to THAT person..dont just talk to someone whom you think you can bully around. and, please next time..dont use the brotherhood concept.You dont even understand it.

and today, a long lost person came back to ask for favour. just as i had expected. im not available at disposal baby. you seemed to find everybody around you to be better than me, and no offense..but it seemed that whatever i do for you would never be good enough to even categorized me as your friend. So, why dont you ask those others to help you out,hmm?

i can do without complication or nonsense.