Jul 19, 2010

Thank you

This is to say thank you to whom it may concern.

Thank you for pretending to be my friend so i learn to value a real good friend.

Thank you for telling my secret to another person so i learn that trust is invaluable.

Thank you for telling everyone that i was being immature so i learn how a mature person think and act.

Thank you for laughing at my eccentrics so now i learn to have more respect to people around me.

Thank you for thinking that im trying to beat you in everything so i know that i must be the best in my game.

Thank you for trying your best to fix thing for me so im able to appreciate it when people were really helping.

Thank you for making the effort to be nice, so i know nice person when i meet one.

Thank you for making me feel so much pain so i wont ever think of causing others to feel the same.

Thank you for showing your true colour,at least i know now who i should stay away from.

I promise to be in shape and gain the trust i almost lost from that somebody who always show professional and moral support-regardless of my worsen performance these lately.

Thank you Allah,again for the million chances you bestowed on me. Alhamdulillah.

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