Jul 22, 2012

Oh my mind!

Second day of Ramadhan, Alhamdulillah. One of my friends remarked about what a blessing it is to be home on the first day of Ramadhan. im inclined to mention that this year is the eleventh time i'm fasting my first day of ramadhan away from home. Although, i would love to be around loved ones at time like this, im used to it by now. With all the technology, skype and all.Not bad.

Sometimes, i want to get involved in practically everything. there's a time that i would be impatient. Impatient for things to start, impatient for thing to end, impatient to know so many things, which is the cause of troubles. But i learn to keep a reasonable pace these lately. 

i'm dreaming nonstop about works. keeps on dreaming about everything. My sleep is restless. i have to get all of them done. starting tomorrow, things are picking up in volume. i am afraid to take the first step. i am afraid of failure. keep thinking that, if i think and imagine about it constantly, it would turn out the way i want it to be. or better. But, it's a recipe for disaster really-if something goes the wrong way.i would be crushed. But still, i would try to go by the book. I mean, if you do things the right way, the chance of failure would be minimum if not zero. So, im looking for my best shot. 

I'm a little bit out of the element, again for some things, but i know i'll manage. Insya Allah

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