Jul 12, 2012

What is in the name?

He was singing a song with the nicest voice, and i felt it with my heart.

He was smiling when he met me, and i couldn't help but looked into his eyes, and felt extremely shy.Like a school girl.Lost for words.

He was saying my name, another strange name that only he and me understood how strange and yet familiar at the same time.

I was not doing anything, second guessing, doubting and over thinking most of the time.

i was drown by his mere present and by each and every coincidence. By meeting.

I  wished i could turn back the time, and be all that he ever expected and ever wanted in a girl.

i  wished i was not as old as times, and as new as him so that i could still be someone he'd met in the street.

yet, i couldn't help but masked my fondness, out of  i hope love for him, and respect.

i wish i could be anything but a nervous wreck and promise to BE for him.

He was talking to someone as he eyed me suspiciously, and i couldn't help the stirring of jealousy.

Wishful thinking, wishful thinking, wishful thinking.

Can you explain why i feel like smiling around you?


gha said...

owh *grin*

aznah said...

i dont know.(^______^)