Jul 15, 2012

Oh well,it goes without saying.

What a super busy monday it will be.

all of the unfinished businesses. i like the term "unfinished business".i like the finality.but i hate the baggages that are implied by the term. almost haunting.dreadful. Oh how i wish...Actually, i dont have any wish.im exaggerating. as usual.

Bad news. My phone has come to its final moment. my mum gave me the phone when i was doing practical in 2008. the fact that the phone is already an age beaten up one made me sad. it means new phone is in order. i love it dearly. it is a reminder of one very vulnerable moment in our life-mum, me and my siblings. it is a reminder of love and trust and 'being there for each other". No matter what, when it comes to things and people that mean so much to us, goodbye is always sad.

oh, the works. But i wouldn't enjoy what i'm doing without the busy-ness. Does that make me a workaholic? Well, it goes without saying.

one more before my closure: the not so fun thing of being with some one younger is-you can guess what they are up to, what's their next move and why.Oh yeah, i feel so ancient, yet i couldn't resist the charms.All the moves are so yesterday, dear. yet, i play along because it is fun.oh god, he must feel that i'm so vain.But how am i supposed to respond?

for the first time, without trying, i feel so damned perfect, and that's terribly insulting to him.i feel terrible.

So should i move forward, or just let it go?

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