Jul 28, 2012

Mum's birthday

Friday, 27th July.Mum's birthday.

My brothers and sisters threw a party for her.BBQ-ing and cake. At first they wanted to celebrate  it at our new home, but we are still living at the old house, so they decided to just carry on with the party at our house.

i planned to buy mum a mobile phone, later when i have the time to go and check the phone meant for her. a few days before the party my father and brother were having an argument. My father are always like that. Never have any regard to his words. He never care whether it would hurt others. That's too bad when the subject is as hot headed as he is resulting very bad argument. Alhamdullilah, they teamed up well for the party.This was not the first time such thing happened. but at least, try to have respect for Ramadhan. Very suffocating indeed. I dont know, maybe it in in the gene. His side of the family often have big and explosive arguments, which sometimes were very childish and terrible. They speak whatever they wanted without any ounce of care of the consequence. My mum would ended up saying that she wished me and my siblings wouldn't end up like them. My mum's side of the family never have  that kind of argument. Nobody disowned somebody, no one was ever chased out from home, no one was ever called brainless. Nobody was ever threatened with death.  Always calm, ready to settle things without too much of a hassle.Even if some problem happened, there were always people who helped to patch things up. My father, my father. i really hate him when something like this happened. Especially if he was troubling mum. That's completely unacceptable! i only pray that this ramadhan would at least change him, if not so much, at least a bit. Huh, but i guess that's too much to expect. He is the main reason why i never thought of bringing other people into the family (like in marriage). i dont even believe it to be a good thing to do. I mean, who would want to be in an upside down, broken and mad family? No one. i am writing this down not because i'm being ungrateful, but, sometimes i feel regretful that some things are just beyond repair.

Ya Allah. Aku membalikkan segala sesuatu itu kepada perkiraan Mu ya Allah. Boleh jadi hambamu ini menyukai sesuatu, sedangkan ia tidak baik mengikut perkiraan Mu, maka Engkau jualah yang Maha Mengetahui. Boleh jadi hambaMu ini tidak menyukai akan sesuatu itu, sedangkan ia baik mengikut perkiraan Mu ya Allah, Engkaulah yang Maha Tahu.

Semoga Ramadhan ini membawa seribu hikmah kebaikan dan keinsafan. Amin.

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