I have always wanted to buy a watch before this. The last time i remembered having one was during my short DPLI course-a birthday present given by my aunt. I had two actually. The other one was damage and died out because i had been wearing it since forever, and the one given by my aunt was lost during the time i was busy packing my things at the end of the course.
At that time, due to some strange emotional condition, i avoid wearing a watch because it made me nervous and made me panicky for no apparent reason. As a matter of fact, my strategy was the cure i needed. i overcame my nervousness in time.
But when i started teaching, i realise that i desperately need a watch, because it made me independent and authoritative in class. owning a watch means i can control my students, my pace and add on my styles..So much for a person who always tell her students to observe time..Huhu..My favourite phrase in class-Timing is everything...and i dont even have a watch..For God's sake..very amusing..
and now is the right time to buy one. True to the phrase "time is everything". I realise that i want to frame this moment in time. I want to reminisce the time forever.I want something that reminds me of a good time, or a good start for a friendship that lasts forever.
Timepiece is what i have in mind for you and me...
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