May 24, 2010


Today was certainly full of events-if i may say that.

in the morning, i went to have breakfast with my friend at the canteen. Met with a certain someone. Actually, this story with him has started as early as April last year-the first time i reported for duty. i will see him from time to time, but i cant really say that i am close to him. There had always been a lot of exchange of banter between us. he is a very serious guy, that i only ever dare to talk to him if or when he started first. to be frank, he has all the criteria that i like in a man. There was a time, when i would meet him almost everyday-and i cant help but admire him for all the quality he has. Sometimes, he ignored me.There were times, when he wouldnt stop talking to me. All my friends are aware of this,and that becomes a point of discussion. i dont quite remember what triggered the talk on marriage, but suddenly he becomes very fond of saying..meminang,meminang,meminang. He can be playful, so i didnt actually take it seriously. So, this morning i purposely ignored him.He was talking to my friend. I didnt say a word.After a while, he began to ask me about when im going to get married. i just smiled. He asked me whether im still waiting for him to "masuk meminang". i smiled again. Playing coy a bit.;o)
i thought it was the end of the conversation, but when we were about to leave, sudddenly, he asked again-am i still waiting for him to "masuk meminang".there were just the three of us there-me,my friend and him.
Suddenly, he was explaining things-i am far, and it would be hard for us to be together-and if things are ok, would I be here with him-and his explanation ends with-tentu kamu tidak mahu tinggal disini-very sad note.He didnt give me any opportunity to say anything!Actually i dont want to say friend was very excited by now-and as soon as we reached the office, the news came out..To tell the truth,i like him-he is simple, driven, ambitious, kind,mature, modest and i only ever been near him once or twice-but i can see that he is protective. So what else can a girl like me want from a guy?
So, i think anybody who will eventually be his wife would be very lucky indeed.

Today was the meeting for exam-a meeting to-sort of-analyse the students' grade for this semester. some really awkward situation happened during the meeting. Some people were obsessed of lying that they didnt realise when enough is enough. But she was a real tough lady. Either she didnt know that everybody knew, she faked all the exam's grade or she just couldnt be bothered. How can you even pretend to be innocent when you were already caught red-handed?What happened to you?How did you survived 7 years of working if this is how you worked?It was not of any help that my friend made it very obvious that she was making a gross mistake by whispering to me over and made me uncomfortable.i felt like shit sitting there. i felt like screaming-you know what, i dont care!!!!!!!!!!!!!I didnt look at anybody, i kept my eyes fixed on my papers. I hate being dragged along into somebody else's drama.

im going back early after all.i already changed my ticket, and i'll be home in no time.At least, another four days.

im waiting and hoping for something..Oh when can i have you?Huh


Anonymous said...

anah...?r u talking about..dat guy wif white hilux..ahaks..anah..u x rasa ka..die sdg usha2 u..hemm..try more hard anah..but with...jual mahal ckit..kuikui..

aznah said...
