May 5, 2010


im on a campaign.

Campaign title: Let's Get Better
Objective : Restoration of self belief, and healing of internal wounds
Strategy : limit communication,distance proximity, stay away from anything
related to the target. NO unnecessary banter, or comment.
Result : So far, so good.

Lost in my own sorrow,
i dont know which way to go,
because you,
have blurred my line of reasoning.
Goodbye forever,
there is nothing left here,
let's move on somewhere,
where there is no You and Me.

1 comment:

Richard Augustine S. said...

Oo mcm experiment dlm kelas Bio saja ni Ana huhu. Just beware of the hypotheses, it might bite u in the arse one day, one way or another hahaha.

Apapun, if it does, just 'bite' 'em back harder! LoL