Mar 4, 2014

The 3.0 post

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah

Thank you Allah for all the blessings up to now. For still giving me  life and the opportunity to contribute to the betterment of world in general. I couldn't have write it simpler. At 30, you learned that you can never be as simple minded as it was before. I am not my 20 year old self anymore. My perspective is different. My feeling is different. What i believe in also has changed. and hopefully for the better.  Alhamdulillah Ya Allah. Experience has made me tougher, yet softer at the same time. Wisdom do has an edge with it. Indeed, age is more than just a number. Age is everything that is you. Unless, you didnt learn anything at all in these 30 year of time.

 A woman at 30,
 learned to accept compliment with an open heart,
 A woman at 30,
 learned to accept criticism with open mind,
 A woman at 30,
 learned to accept rejection with wisdom.
 A woman at 30,
 learned to accept acceptance with appreciation.
 A woman at 30,
 learned to smile through the pain.
 A woman at 30,
 learned to do things with confidence.
 A woman at 30,
 learned to deal with weaknesses with patience
A woman at 30,
learned that life is too short
and bad times past,
and beauty is more than just a pretty face
and that age is more than just a number.
A woman at 30 Is.

Happy Birthday to myself. Today i do feel teary.